NACP/US Carbon Cycle Science Program Workshop: Measuring, Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MMRV) for Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

Create a diverse, growing U.S. community of practice focused on advancing a national MMRV framework relevant for CDR activities in any location, undertaken by any entity.


Requirements of high-quality CDR MRVCurrent progress towards CDR MRVNeeds for MRV research & development, support, oversight

Recommendations to meet these needs:

This discussion-based workshop will identify what is needed right now to advance MRV for carbon dioxide removal (CDR) across ecosystem and technology types. Participants will collaborate to identify what knowledge exists on CDR and carbon cycle research that is relevant to MRV, and what must still be done to develop a unified MRV framework for public and private CDR activities occurring on land, in the ocean, or in the atmosphere. Sessions will include a mix of short plenary presentations and long interactive discussion sessions involving all participants. Over the three days, participants will 1) discuss the current state of CDR research and knowledge described during the Academy webinar series; 2) consider the major challenges associated with MRV for CDR in these ecosystems and engineered systems; and 3) identify the top priorities to advance towards developing a unified MRV framework that applies to all ecosystems and technology types. Participants will also meet others focused on quantitative and technical aspects of CDR, and consider how this knowledge can be synthesized to inform national carbon mitigation activities.

Panel: Current state of CDR
Panelists: Kevin Kroeger, USGS; Kim Novick, U. Indiana; David Ho, U. Hawaii, Tony Feric, DOE FECM

Watch the webinar here.


Plan Sea: Matt Long on the [C]Worthy initiative for MRV modeling frameworks