
  • OAE Efficiency Map image

    OAE Efficiency Map

    The Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement (OAE) Efficiency Map is a dataset that provides global estimates of carbon uptake mediated by alkalinity addition. The dataset is generated with a global ocean model in which the ocean is divided into polygons and a 1-month alkalinity release is performed in each. 15-year simulations assess ensuing carbon uptake and provide estimates of the geographic variation in efficiency. Four experiments in each polygon, in January, April, July, and October, help evaluate the seasonal variability in uptake.

  • C-Star ocean currents rendering


    C-Star is an open-source modeling system designed to support Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) for ocean-based Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR). It is built from scientifically validated components and developed by scientists in the public domain.  C-Star is a tool to allow researchers and CDR companies to share a common codebase for MRV.

    Visit us on GitHub to learn more.

  • Image of Icelandic Fjord

    Iceland Field Trial

    In collaboration with the Carbon to Sea Initiative, [C]Worthy is conducting high resolution regional modeling and biochemical tracer release experiments, guiding the design of a field trial of alkalinity release in the fjord of Hvalfjörður in Iceland with the goal of evaluating OAE as a viable pathway to repair historic carbon pollution.

  • Satellite image of San Francisco Bay

    San Francisco Bay Trial

    In collaboration with Ebb Carbon, [C]Worthy is planning an alkalinity and tracer release experiment in the SF Bay in order to demonstrate the viability and challenges associated with wastefall OAE projects.

    Image: Copernicus Sentinel data 2019. ESA.

  • Image of the mCDR Ecosystem Map

    mCDR Ecosystem Map

    The mCDR Ecosystem Map illustrates both the flow of this emerging industry as well many stakeholders involved in researching, governing, developing, and deploying mCDR solutions.

    (This early version is currently in the process of being updated and migrated to Isometric’s website — a new version is coming soon!)

    View version 1.0 of the Ecosystem Map .