Time Magazine: The U.S. Energy Department Is Spending $36 Million On Ocean Carbon-Capture Research

"Matt Long, a scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research and director of [C]Worthy, a nonprofit aiming to help build tools to measure and verify ocean carbon removal, is working on a project that received about $3.9 million in ARPA-E’s announcement today. He says that the grants won’t be enough to do all of the scientific work that is necessary in the field, but that it does provide an important signal to private investors and philanthropists that the government is interested in ocean-based carbon removal innovation, and in making sure that there is hard science to back up its proponents' claims. 

'The hope is that, in combination with venture capital and philanthropic support, we can really establish a foundation for the industry to grow,' Long says. "

Read the full article here.


Isometric and [C]Worthy partner to advance marine carbon dioxide removal research


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