Salon: Do carbon removal strategies actually work?

"Even less is known about ocean carbon capture than atmospheric capture. However, the ocean is a giant carbon sink that naturally sequesters roughly 30% of emissions, and forests and terrestrial carbon sinks are increasingly depleted through deforestation. As a result, the ocean is becoming increasingly attractive as a place to develop carbon removal technologies, said Matthew Long, Ph.D., a former scientist at the oceanography section of the Climate & Global Dynamics Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research who now works at the non-profit [C]Worthy.

"'The problem is, ocean uptake is relatively slow, compared to our rate of emission,' Long told Salon in a phone interview. 'The idea with ocean carbon dioxide removal technology is to devise ways to accelerate that uptake.'"

Read the full article here.


This Is CDR Ep. 81: [C]Worthy - Safe, Effective, Verifiable Tools for Marine CDR - Dr. Matthew Long


Time: The Ocean is the Next Frontier for the Carbon Removal Industry